
times a changin'

Well here we go again...everything is changing.

I gotta talk about this friend of mine. We were close. He and I did a ton of fun stuff together. But, all my friends said that he did not treat me very well. And that maybe it would be better if i was not friends with him. He is kinda like the male version of me. I wanted so bad to see the good side. Its not so much that i wanted him to change, but he was changing. And i saw it. And sometimes he was so nice and other times he was mean and angry. You never knew what you were going to get. And it made it very hard to be close with him. Plus he had a bad taste in his mouth for women. And he did not treat them very well. If you were a guy you got respect, if you were a girl...you got the short end of the stick.I took him to meet my family. My friends. I took him to my home state. I introduced him to my world. He still treated me like shit.

Well now he has a new gf and doesn't want to be my friend anymore. All the shit i put up with and he has decided that it is not ok to be friends. Its pretty sad. It hurts me. Everyone i have talked to has been like....move the fuck on. And i am thinking this is a good idea. I really really wish he had not moved to portland...but what can i do. He lives there and i will be living there soon. And its a big enough city for us both.

So goodbye my asshole friend. Time to make new and better friends that can show me once again what its like to have people in your life that matter.

Thank you to all the people who have listened to me bitch about this for the last 3 years. I love you all. Its over now. :)
