Here are a couple of things i have designed, that i enjoy. I have really liked working with Jake at Quantum Auto. He is a easy and simple guy. He had a concept and ideas, but no ability to put the two together so i did it for him. And he likes it. And i like it. He may build a wind powered car?
This takes me to the next thing I am enjoying. Being around people who are passionate about what they do. Even if its not what they do for $. It makes me so
happy to see people's faces light up when they talk about
things that make feel all stupid inside.
Even if they are talking about their dog.

Another logo i did awhile back that i enjoy, is this one for the green team. Bradley was also really easy to work with, and we created what he wanted. And now it is huge on his truck and trailer. Kinda weird to see something i did that big. But i have gotten more work from it, so that is a plus. And the work slowly comes in. And i am wishing sometimes there was more of it. But, i am patient.
I still love my job a ton and should get back to it. After all they are not paying me to sit here and talk about other work i have done :)
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