
i heart grapefruit.

hey everyone.

lets see whats going on? It has been the crazy weather, I have come to expect out of the Midwest. Sunny rad days, then the tornado siren is going off again and then the biggest raindrops I have EVER seen. You never know what to expect. So i don't wash my car and I have had to totally clean out the basement and make everything waterproof.

Other than that everything is moving right along. I am still planning on moving sometime this summer. Hopefully money provided. And I have someone really great in my life. They have been making me feel extra special. Its nice. And I feel at ease right now. I don't feel restless like I have been in the past. I am totally content to sit and read and take a nap if i want. Or not. It has felt good. Work has been really demanding and i am learning a ton. But it takes it out of me sometimes. Damn deadline driven business. :)

I have a new addiction. grapefruit.



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